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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: New Vietnam Water Results Framework, SO: Rural Vietnamese populations no longer suffer from water-related diseases IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased, IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased IR1.1: Successful implementation of waste management best practices, IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased IR1.3: New potable water systems where they currently do not exist, SO: Rural Vietnamese populations no longer suffer from water-related diseases IR 2: Community capacity to maintain water structures increased, IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased IR1.4: Clean water sources accessible to rural populations, IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased IR1.2: Clean water sources protected from contamination, SO: Rural Vietnamese populations no longer suffer from water-related diseases IR 3: Adaptation to natural disasters affecting water sources increased and improved, IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased IR1.5: Proper waste management of water system & sewage system, IR 1 Indicator: Increase from 75% to 95% of rural population in Vietnam who can access clean water within X distance within 3 years. IR 1: Access to clean water sources increased